EMFs - Can you feel them?
In the midst of my EMF saga, one night lying in my bed awake as I had done every night for years, feeling my body vibrating, at the same pace as I could hear some motor like sound in the wall, I realized then something profound to me, that my body vibration wasn’t just a thing that bodies do naturally, as I had assumed just merely from lack of a better explanation. That in-fact, it was all stemming from the same phenomenon. My headaches, hair loss, weight loss, brain fog, lack of energy, tinnitus, muscle clenching, bruxism, etc. etc. Extreme home magnetic fields.
After this aha moment I saw everything with new eyes. In downtown mission district San Francisco homeless people scream through the night. They are sleeping in magnetic fields 20 times higher than those that made me sick.
A friend I met there was diagnosed with fibromialga after moving to the city. But I saw her again in Maui during the pandemic where she said her symptoms have “miraculously” disappeared.
My upstairs neighbor had asthma, my next door neighbor had anxiety, insomnia, and an immune system doctors reported had aged 20 years older than his biological age. I also saw him in Maui, thriving now, where he remembers that time in the mission district as a bad health fluke.
I met some friends living across the street from a cell phone tower. They all looked sick. There were supplement bottles everywhere and their plants always died within weeks. I measured their home for them and explained what I had been through. They now live in the mountains.
As I started to re-catalog my memories of various personal health difficulties, with this mental rearrangement of my experiences, I began understanding the deep wisdom of every sensation I receive from my body. Tension headache means high electric fields. I don’t have to test anymore. I know what it means, I know where its coming from, and I know how to fix it. Sudden exhaustion is a feeling I have from high RF. Mental dizziness, brain tightness and muscle shaking from chaotic magnetic fields. My body went from a dysfunctional stranger with random sensation I tried to disassociate from, or cover up with tobacco or some such, to an elegant and brilliant precision machine, communicating the deepest moods of my environment.
As I said on my home page quote…
Our intuition is a compilation of uncountable and yet to be fully appreciated unconscious sensory input and subconscious interpretation of that input. It is responsible for great feats of prediction, and incredible attunement capacity to others and our environment. EMFs have been shown to be detected by the brain, and effect brainwaves. If you've been bathing in EMF's your whole life, which is likely, you are likely unaware of the great possibilities and power of your own intuition because you have not integrated into your understanding this extra layer of your experience.
Now I wonder if you can try something. Close your eyes and sit very still. Examine your body. What do you feel? What are those feelings telling you? Try this every once in a while. It’s really not a boring practice. Its actually very interesting. And this awareness is essential. Maybe you’ll learn something fascinating about your environment too, like I did. You can try my EMF quiz as well for a check in. Our world is really brand new. We are exposed to and experience things that no humans before have. I think its important to every so often check in with ourselves. And listen to what our body is telling us about it.