Frequently Expressed Qualms (FEQ)

  • Ionizing radiation as some know, is light that has enough energy to directly knock unsuspecting electrons out of their orbits. This radiation causes damage to your DNA through free radical production and can be measure through the heat it releases when doing so. This is the only mechanism EMF standards are regulated by. There have since been other mechanisms discovered, and many many animal, cell, and human studies showing biological effects of EMFs at much lower energy. This standard is more than 20 years old, and needs to be updated. But as the regulatory bodies are highly influenced by industry, it’s not likely to be updated without large public demand.

  • Great question! Well, putting aside that the sun can be harmful with over exposure, the reason is at least two fold. One is biological disregulation. Ghrelin the hunger hormone, melatonin, dopamine, cortisol, and metabolism are just a few very important cycles regulated by the sun. Constant light, or EMF, at all hours disregulates these natural cycles and makes your body less able to maximize its resources, or recover from traumas.

    The second reason is that light from the sun is not polarized. Each photon has a random wave orientation, the sum of all these effectively cancel each other out, so that you receive only the photons energy with no associated electric field. Manmade EMFs are polarized, so the resulting energy creates a e-field across the molecules in your body.

    Let’s use the microwave as an example, (the same frequency that's used in the microwave, is used in your cell phone and wifi router btw). Water is a dipole (it has a positive side, and a negative side) and therefore highly subject to manipulation by an oscillating electric field. When a microwave creates an e-field, the water will align to it. Negative being attracted to the positive side of the field and visa-versa. When the field switches directions the water molecule will align again. This is happening 2.4*10^9 times per second. The resulting vibration of the water heats your food through friction.

    You are 70% water by weight, 99% by molecule. Water performs many important functions in your body, and EMFs can disrupt them, resulting in a myriad of physical issues as the literature is showing. Some studies have shown voltage gated calcium channels that manage cellular processes in your body are effected as well which interfer with proper cell signalling, and ultimately cause free radical damage to cells and DNA, just like ionizing radiation does through a free radical called peryoxunitrite. (Ca+ influx > eNos > NO + O2- > ONOO - a highly damaging free radical)

  • The simple and undeniable fact is that EMFs at levels emitted by almost every electronic device are biologically active, are sensed and reacted to by almost every creature, including plants. And many studies have demonstrated harm on a myriad of animals, humans, and cells. Why it’s not common knowledge is only something I can guess at. But I’d say it’s as simple as “he who has the gold, makes the rules”. The electronics, power, and telecom industries are among the largest lobbies in government.

  • When EMFs are ubiqitous one's whole life, how can they know any health issue was not caused by them? Would you even recognize aspects of your own experience as a health impairement if its always been there? A friend thought she had a stomach issue her whole life, until trying the keto diet on a lark and discovering she was just allergic to gluten this whole time. Taking an honest look at your own experience to encorporate a new perspective is a bit like waking up from the matrix. Do you want to take the red pill? You could start by trying my EMF quiz.