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NAD+, Rosemary, Glycine, Taurine, Collagen peptides, Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium L-threonate, Shilajit, sulforophane and Methylene Blue are some of the supplements and herbs I use.*

* I am not a doctor so please do your own research.

Scientific research on supplements and herbs can be found here:

Reliable Health Websites*

* Reliable here means there are scientific papers referenced in all claims. And the overall focus of the site isn’t hyper pharmacology based.

Natural wellness tips

Healthy Nutrition

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I’ve been scouring the internet for a long time for the purposes of health. There are dark corners, bright corners but with really bad, hurt your eyes lighting, and some gems that are extremely helpful in the fight to maintain and build health. Getting valuable and truthful information and resources when you need them is key. Here are some helpful resources for you.