EMF Mechanisms of Action
Voltage Gated Calcium Channels (VGCCs)
This is the most extensively studied mechanism. So its the one I have the most information about thanks to Dr. Martin Pall.
VGCCs are cellular membrane channels that modulate the flow of calcium in and out of cells. When calcium enters the cell, various physiological responses are triggered. During proper functioning, this mechanism plays obligatory roles in hormone secretion, muscle contractions, synaptic plasticity, gene transcription, neurotransmitter release, neurite outgrowth, and the activation of calcium-dependent enzymes R, R, R.
EMF effects: VGCCs are activated by voltage across the cell membrane. It is usually created by Na+ channels R, R, but other voltage sources will do. This causes hundreds of calcium ions to flow into the the cell and stimulates elevation of nitric oxide (NO) and super oxide (O2+) which react to create perioxinitrite (ONOO), a highly damaging free radical. Hydroxil radical is created by this mechanism as well. This is called the NO/ONOO pathway. And it’s known to damage mitochondria, cell memebranes, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and more.
There are inactivation mechanisms that stop calcium signaling when calcium inside the cell reaches a certain threshold, or the channel stays open for too long. R But when pulsed radiation interacts with cells, like those from communication devices, and dirty electricity, cells are not able to engage this mechanism, and are left always playing catch up, trying to pump calcium out, restore equilibrium voltage, and repair damage.
This depletes your energy, and resources and ultimately is a mechanism that can lead to induced rapid aging R, R, R, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) R, R, R and much more. R.
Immediate manifestations can be alertness, anxiety, and insomnia via activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Activation of smooth muscles in the face and gut can cause gut disbiosis, bruxism (teeth grinding) jaw, neck and other muscle tightness, and pain. Over firing of neurons can cause brain fog, lethargy, and headaches.
Fun Fact: It takes more energy to relax than it does to flex! This is why rigor mortise happens. There is no more energy to relax the muscles. Flexing only requires a voltage to open calcium channels, when the channel is open, calcium naturally flows in because of a concentration gradient (much higher concentrations outside the cell than inside). When you want to relax, you actually need a lot of ATP (and magnesium) to pump the calcium back out. So when you’re feeling tense, it may not be because of too much energy, but too little. And why magnesium supplementation is suggested for jaw clenching, anxiety, menstrual cramps, certain party drugs, sleep and more.
The diagram on the right below, shows mechanisms which over activation of Ca2+ channels can cause cell death and mitochondrial damage beyond free radical production. Calcium is absorbed by mitochondria causing changes to mitochondrial voltage, and dysfunction in the ETC that makes ATP. Damage accumulation through these many mechanisms can induce apoptosis, aka messy cell death, which causes inflammation in the surrounding area as well.
Mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in combination with NO production triggers the collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential, culminating in delayed cell death. - Mitochondria and calcium, from cell signalling to death
NO / ONOO effects of EMFs
Calcium Stimulated Cell Death
Protein Folding Disruption
Proteins are used for enzymes, like those that aid in digestion, transporting substances around the body, for structural support, in cell communications as hormones, for immune defence, muscle movements, and storage of resources. Proteins function is directly related to the 3D structure it forms when it folds. The forces used to fold those proteins are electric. And the level of interaction that cause it is on the level of individual electrons. It’s easey to see then, that foreign oscillating electric fields through the air we call radio frequency electromagnetic waves effects the very small interactions of positive and negative charges of individual atoms.
Heart Disease … (and Everything Else)
The generation of a few very damaging radicals, such as perioxinitrite, hydroxil radical, super oxide, and even NO, by EMF exposure was explained in the section (and images) above. It is not unreasonable to suggest then, that this process oxidizes fats and lipoproteins. Oxidized fats are engulfed by macrophages to become foam cells which build up on arterial walls. This study demonstrates low levels of EMF have non negligible effects of lipid peroxidation and therefor heart disease.
A prevailing paradigm has been that heightened oxidative stress in the artery wall promotes modifications of LDL, generating “damage” signals that are recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on cells of the innate immune system. This thesis is supported by the finding of oxidized LDL in both human and mouse atheroma, and of natural antibodies (predominantly IgM) that recognize oxidation epitopes of LDL (reviewed in R). A variety of mechanisms mediated by enzymes (such as 12/15-lipoxygenase and myeloperoxidase) and free-radicals (such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide) have been identified that could promote LDL oxidation in the artery wall R and in vitro preparations of such modified LDLs are avidly endocytosed by macrophagesR, R. - Macrophages in atherosclerosis: a dynamic balance
You may be one step ahead of me in guessing that I’d use the logic of:
EMFs > Excessive oxidation > Arguably every disease known to man…
This goes for autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer, allergies, kidney disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, depression, memory loss, aging itself, and on and on into infinity... I could make this article infinitely long just based on the mechanism and diagrams above. I included heart disease specifically, even though its more of a downstream disease manifestation, because it effects so many people, and there are articles studying lipid peroxidation of EMFs specifically. Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health
What is eNOS: eNOS is an enzyme that when activated creates nitric oxide (NO). NO in the endothelial space (or vascular system) causes relaxation of the endothelium, increases the diameter of blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. When you stand up from sitting down, your nervous system stimulates the opposite reaction. Blood vessels contract, raising blood pressure and helping the heart circulate blood from your feet to your head.
EMF effects: EMF stimulates eNOS in the endothelial space, causing vasodilation. Improper vasodilation can cause lack of blood flow to your brain and can manifest as dizziness, light headedness, or potentially fainting. I am unclear of the long term, or downstream, implications of this disregulation in blood flow. But I will return with info when I get it.
EMFs also stimulate NO inside cells. (See image labelled “NO / ONOO effects of EMFs” above). Excessive internal NO can directly lead to free radicals as described above, and by binding to Cytochrome C in the mitochondria, competing with and blocking out oxygen. R
Electrons are therefore unable to complete their journey through the electron transport chain (ETC) and are spilled out, creating free radicals. So this process also deprives the cell of ATP via mitochondria, damages mitochondria, and stimulates build up of lactic acid. As lactic acid is consumed by mitochondria. R .
We see elevated lactic acid in diseases like cancer, CFS, MS, neurocognitive diseases and more. R
BTW, we also see lactic acid and elevated ROS after exercise, which as we know is beneficial. The difference between these same effects being beneficial or not, is in the duration of exposure, and time to recover.
Stress and rest is a tried and true strategy for wellness. We call this a hormetic. And why you can find scientific papers showing benefits of very low power EMFs as well.
But over stress and not enough rest is a strategy to age yourself prematurely. You can be harmed by over exercising, and you will be harmed by 24/7 exposure to EMFs.
Microbiota Dis-regulation
The gut biota is like a forest ecosystem. There are many species living in your gut. And the harmonious synchronization of a healthy gut biome regulates your mood, nutrient absorbtion, nutrient availability, toxin protection, immune system regulation and waste facilitation. Specific species populations are regulated in harmony with all others, to maintain a healthy flora. Just like in a forest, an unchecked deer population can deplete flora, but when deer population rises so does predator population.
EMFs from cell phones, laptops and more cause some gut species to grow, and harms others. Unfortunately growth skews towards pathogenic strands, and harm skews towards helpful ones. Taheri et al found that E. coli and Listeria monocytogenes (a potential pathogen) showed significantly faster growth after radiation exposure. It also showed that E. Coli became resistant to antibiotics after 6 hours of exposure.
Altogether, the findings of this study showed that exposure to Wi-Fi and RF simulator radiation can significantly alter the inhibition zone diameters and growth rate for L monocytogenes and E coli."
This study exposed E. coli to 5G frequencies for 8 hours and showed significant glucose consumption elevation and increased growth.
Additionally helpful strands of gut flora were shown to be harmed by EMF radiation. Lactobacillus strands are well known for their therapeutic benefits in healing leaky gut, improving allergies and boosting immunity. This study measured the effects on lactobacillus after exposure to 6.41GHz, 7.4GHz and 7.62Ghz RF radiation. They found a significant reduction in the amount of cells belonging to these strains, and this effect increased with the frequency of radiation.
The gut is not the only place in the body that relies on healthy microbiota. The skin is also important. Disregulation in the skin biome is associated with acne, eczema, and other skin conditions. RF has also been shown to mess with skin bacteria. This study showed drastic alterations in the populations of Staphylococci.
The growth of Staphylococci from certain individuals were enhanced under RF-EMF, and in some other cases the growth was suppressed, which means the disruption to the balanced skin microbiota make it more vulnerable to infection possibly by those opportunistic pathogens or foreign pathogens