Sunlight. Not just vitamin D.
What is the sun to you?
The sun is of course the source of life.
Or it is life. Manifesting expression through the dirt of the earth.
Believe it or not, you get energy from sun independent of consumption of light through the food web. In fact, the sun directly impacts your biology in a myriad of ways. Let’s explore them together.
Red light (650nm, 850nm)
Photo biomodulation, a term meaning light induced effects on biology. In many scientific studies, this term usually refers to light that is specifically absorbed by cytochrome-c in the mitochondria. Red light helps shuffle electrons through the electron transport chain in mitochondria, and assists in facilitation the last step that produces ATP and water. This means red light directly increases ATP production, the energy currency of the cell, and cell hydration as it happens through mitochondria.
Additionally, excessive nitric oxide (NO) is created inside cells from toxins like glyphosate, and of course, EMFs. NO binds to cytochrome-c in the mitochondria, competing with oxygen and interfering with ATP and water production. When this happens, electrons are unable to complete their journey in the electron transport chain and form ATP. Instead are spilled out into the cell, causing free radical damage, and reducing ATP and water made by mitochondria. Red light has been shown to be absorbed by cytochrome-c, kicking NO out, and allowing oxygen to bind to create ATP and water again. If you’re feeling any kind of way, red to IR light can probably help with that, as energy and water are needed for everything you do.
Near Infrared (650nm - 1200nm)
Near infrared has also been shown to absorb into mitochondria’s citochrome-c, stimulating ATP production, just like red light has. Near infrared penetrates deeper into the body however, even through the skull, for more wide spread benefits. Scientific studies have been performed within this frequency range, and they showed great potential for cognitive wellness, and improvements in people with symptoms of Dimentia and Alzheimer's.
There is also a little known marvel this frequency Stimulates. Melatonin production within the mitochondria. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. And is protective against impact of the higher energy light. Intercellular melatonin made directly by mitochondria is not sedative. It is solely protective. Only extracellular melatonin like that produced by the pineal gland in the absence of light is sedative. This mitochondrial melatonin, produced in the presence of near infrared light, comprises a whopping 95% of the melatonin in your body. If you are not exposing yourself to this frequency of light, you are missing a vital and profound cellular resource.
Far Infrared (1200nm+)
52–55% of the light emitted from the sun is in this healing range. And your home energy efficient windows are specifically designed to block it out because of its heating effects. Infrared is absorbed by the water in your body and helps your body create energy to maintain negative voltage across cell membranes. This effect is profound, calming, and protective. I speak a lot about what happens when cell membrane potential is compromised in my EMF mechanisms article. Far infrared also helps blood flow through capillaries to deliver oxygen and nutrients. Blood flow through the capillaries is precarious as they are so small that only one blood cell at a time can squeeeeze their way through, bending in yoga like poses to do it. If you want to understand how this happens, read Gerald Pollocks Fourth Phase of Water.
This can be disrupted with long periods of time away from the sun, low exercise, and high EMFs. If you pay attention, you can feel these blood flow effects of low infrared light, as cold or numb hands and feet, headaches, and jaw clenching or tightness in the muscles in your face.
As infrared light has a huge role to play in supporting blood flow, it’s absence can lead to a destructive negative feedback loop because cells that don’t get good blood flow > don’t get oxygen > damage mitochondria > can’t produce ATP + can’t maintain cell voltage > and don’t allow for blood flow. The beginning of the end for those little guys (or gals). Infrared from the sun can jump start this negative feedback loop in the right direction, and leads to the myriad benefits shown in many studies from saunas that use infrared light, and sun exposure itself.
UV Light (<260nm)
UV light is like fire. Absolutely essential for all human life, and yet, if handled without care, can burn you. UV is needed to make vitamin D of course, used in immune function, bone health and much more. It’s also essential for the synthesis of cholesterol sulfate. Cholesterol sulfate is quantitatively the most important known sterol sulfate in human plasma.
The absolute best way to raise your vitamin D levels is through sun exposure itself. Just go into the sun, and listen to your body. If you start to feel red or hot, leave the sun. If you are really sensitive you can go outside of solar noon daylight hours. Getting a little sun exposure in the early mornings will stimulate your bodies innate antioxidant system, make you less sensitive to the sun throughout the day, and make you feel real good too. UV light is also extremely good for your immune system, skin tight junctions, and antimicrobial too! Think of it as a hormetic. As the saying goes, “That which doesn’t kill you, is anti-microbial, and makes you stronger too!”
Blue Light (~425nm)
This is the only time you’ll read me say that blue light is good for you because everywhere but outside, we are blue light toxic, but thats another story. In this context, it is great for you! Blue light from the sun stimulates dopamine and serotonin, and reduces adrenalin and norepinephrine and makes you feel alive! It’s the “carpe diem” frequency. It is also the frequency of light that tells your circadian rhythm what time it is. And is therefor responsible for regulating sleep, the immune system, digestion, and much more. There are two magical times of day to be outside, where this is especially true. And that is at sunrise and sunset. The frequencies of light through the long atmosphere are just right to really dial your body in to its optimal circadian rhythm. This has been well known going back to ancient times, through the practice of sun gazing. Meditating while looking directly into the sun right at sunset and sunrise is the only time its safe, and better still extremely beneficial. Be a mitochodriac like Jack Kruse, and don’t miss a one if you need a serious health boost.
You can probably infer now why indoor blue light is not beneficial. It is stimulating, like coffee, but it does NOT give you energy. Indoors its like taking adderal every night. It may be fun for a while, but you will eventually pay for it. Your body is designed to be stimulated while also being energized by the other beneficial wavelengths of light. This stimulating blue light in isolation messes with your circadian rhythm, and exhausts your cells. Indoor light is always blue light toxic, since bluer wavelengths of light use less energy, they are predominate in LEDs, computers, and phones. And remember, your energy efficient glass is blocking out beneficial infrared wavelengths, and UV light. Your physiology is not optimized for the light environment you are always in.
Far infrared and UV structures water in and around cells which helps with retention. And red and near infrared helps the mitochondria make ATP and water. Mitochondria make pure H2O within cells where water is needed most. So sunlight through multiple mechanisms is highly hydrating.
What do the studies say about sunlight and beneficial light therapy?
Here’s a huge list of benefits. explained in more detail here, and here. Brace yourself.
Increased mood, brain function, vitamin d, less falls, longer life, lower risk of degenerative brain diseases, circadian rhythm regulation (extremely important, I suggest reading more here),
Protects against heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, increases sex hormone and wakefulness, influences dental health, natural pain killer, good for your eyes (yes, that’s right, your eyes [R, R])
Protects against autoimmunity
Lowers inflammation and oxidative damage [R],
Wound healing/Tissue growth and repair (R)
Pain relief in various syndromes (R, R2, R3), Arthritis (R, R2), Back pain (R), neck pain (R), Autoimmune conditions like thyroiditis (R) and others
Traumatic brain injuries (R), strokes (R) and other brain injuries (R)
Hair growth, male pattern baldness (R), and skin conditions like psoriasis and others (R)
Hearing problems such as tinnitus (R) — in the short term or when combined with rTMS (R)
Muscle tissue for performance
Spinal cord injury (R)
Injuries in connective tissue/joints (R)
Achilles tendon (R)
Elbow tendinopathy (R)
Laryngitis/Hoarseness (R) Laryngitis can be hoarseness, globus, chronic cough, voice fatigue, throat pain, and dysphagia.
Some migraines and headaches (R) — may make them worse too if you have vasodilatory headaches
Peptic ulcers (R)
Venous Leg Ulcers (R)
Pressure ulcers (R)
Oral Mucositis (R)
Aphthous stomatitis (R)
Lung inflammation (R)
Narcolepsy based on theory (R), Narcolepsy is likely an autoimmune disorder (R)
Oral Lichen Planus (R)
Cancer: Various tumors, when used with a photosensitizer (R)
Fibromyalgia (R)
Increasing testosterone (R)
Allergic rhinitis (R)
Neuropathy (R)
Vision disorder like macular degeneration (R) and retinitis pigmentosa (R)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (R)
Non native lighting
There is much to say here. I’lI add detail when I have the time. Stay tuned for information about:
Impacts of flicker in lighting
Tools to improve your indoor light, and to protect from harmful light